Peer reviewed Publications


  • Araiza-Alba, P., Keane, T., Chen, W. S., & Kaufman, J. (2021). Immersive virtual reality as a tool to learn problem-solving skills. Computers & Education, 104121
  • Araiza-Alba, P., Keane, T., Matthews, B., Simpson, K., Strugnell, G., Chen, W. S., & Kaufman, J. (2021). The potential of 360-degree Virtual Reality videos to teach water-safety skills to children. Computers & Education. doi:
  • Araiza-Alba, P., Keane, T., Chen, W. S., & Kaufman, J. (2020). Children’s memory of a story experienced with virtual reality versus traditional media technology. International Journal of Virtual Reality, 20(2), 55-69.
  • Araiza-Alba, P., Keane, T., Beaudry, J. L., & Kaufman, J. (2020). Immersive Virtual Reality Implementations in Developmental Psychology. International Journal of Virtual Reality, 20(2).
  • Cerovac, M., Seemann, K., & Keane, T. (2020). Working in groups on practical engineering activities with young children. Design and technology education: an international journal, 25(2), 160-174. Retrieved from
  • Keane., T., Boden, M., Chalmers, C., & Williams, M. (2020 in-press). Effective principal leadership influencing technology innovation in the classroom. Education and Information Technologies. DOI: 10.1007/s10639-020-10217-0
  • Molnar, A., Keane T., Stockdale, R (2020 in-press). Educational Interventions and Female Enrolment in IT degrees. Communications of the ACM (2020)
  • Keane, T., & Keane, W. (2020). A vision of the digital future-government funding as a catalyst for 1 to 1 computing in schools. Education and Information Technologies, 25(2), 845-861.
  • Keane, T., Chalmers, C., Boden, M., & Williams, M. (2019). Humanoid robots: learning a programming language to learn a traditional language. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 1-14. doi:10.1080/1475939X.2019.1670248
  • Keane, T., & Keane, W. F. (2018). Parents’ expectations, perceptions and concerns when schools implement a 1:1 program. Education and Information Technologies, 23(4), 1447-1464.
  • Keane, T., & Loch, B. (2017). Peer tutoring using student-made screencasts. Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 31(2), 6-21.
  • Keane, T., & Keane, W. (2017). Achievements and challenges: Implementing a 1: 1 program in a secondary school. Education and Information Technologies, 22(3), 1025-1041.
  • Stockdale, R., & Keane, T. (2016). Influencing the Influencers: The Role of Mothers in IT Career Choices. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice (15), 181-194.
  • Keane, T., Keane, W. F., & Blicblau, A. S. (2016). Beyond traditional literacy: Learning and transformative practices using ICT. Education and Information Technologies, 21(4), 769-781.\
  • Zagami, J., Boden, M., Keane, T., Moreton, B., & Schulz, K. (2015). Girls and Computing: Female participation in computing in Schools. Australian Educational Computing, 30(2).
  • Keane, T., Lang, C., & Pilgrim, C. (2013) Pedagogy! iPadology! Netbookology! Learning with mobile devices. Australian Educational Computing, 27(2).
  • Keane, T. (2012). An investigation of the role of the information and communication technologies leader in secondary schools. Leading and Managing, 18(1), 50-64. 



Edited Books

  • Brinda, T., Passey, D., Keane, T. (Eds.) (2020). Empowering Teaching for Digital Equity and Agency: IFIP TC 3 Open Conference on Computers in Education, OCCE 2020 Mumbai, India, January 6–8, 2020 Revised Selected Papers. (Advances in Information and Communication Technology): Springer.



book Chapters

  • Nayak, J., Keane, T., Seemann, K. (2020). Mapping Computational Thinking and Programming Skills using Technacy Theory. In T. Brinda, D. Passey & T. Keane (Eds.), Empowering Teaching for Digital Equity and Agency. Springer.
  • Keane T. (2019) Underrepresentation of Girls in Computing. In: Tatnall A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Springer, Cham
  • Keane T. (2019) Robotics in Education. In: Tatnall A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Springer, Cha
  • Keane, T., Williams, M., Chalmers, C., & Boden, M. (2017). Involving Everyone: Coding and Decoding Languages. In A. Tatnall & M. Webb (Eds.), Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing (pp. 579-588). Cham: Springer Nature.
  • Keane, T. (2014). From Student Geek to Teacher Geek Chic – Reflections on How Computers were used while as a Students and then as a Teacher. In A. Tatnell & B. Davey (Eds.), Reflections on the History of Computers in Education – Early Use of Computers and Teaching about Computing in Schools (pp. 94-109). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Keane, T., & Sterling, L. (2013). Providing a healthy digital environment, aligning policy with teacher, student and parent expectations. In R. Hanewald (Ed.), From cyber bullying to cyber safety: issues and approaches in educational contexts (pp. 41-57). New York: Nova Science Publishers.



Conference Papers

  • Nayak, J., Keane, T., & Seemann, K. (2020, 6-8 January). Developing Computational Thinking in Children (Years 3 to12) Through Programming using the Technacy Theory. Paper presented at the Open Conference in Computers in Education (OCCE) 2020, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India.
  • Seemann, K., Cerovac, M., & Keane, T. (2019, 1-3 October). Understanding spatial inferential reasoning skills for Design Led STEM education. Paper presented at the Technology Education New Zealand Conference (TENZ 2019), Albany Senior High School, Albany, New Zealand.
  • Cerovac, M., Seemann, K., & Keane, T. (2018, 5-8 December). Systems Engineering: Identification and fostering of inferential and social skills. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc). Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
  • Hill, E., Keane, T., & Seemann, K. (2018, 5-8 December). Pedagogies and practices for developing innovation capability: Beyond the AITSL standards. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc)., Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
  • Chalmers, C., Williams, M., Keane, T., Boden, M. (2018, 21-23 November). Humanoid robots: programming at school. Paper presented at the Integrated Education for the Real World’, the 5th International STEM in Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Keane, T., Williams, M., Chalmers, C., & Boden, M. (2017, 3-6 July). Involving Everyone: Coding and Decoding Languages. Paper presented at the 11th IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Cook, E., Keane, T., & Blicblau, A. S. (2016, 4-7 December). Student considerations on the
    use of annotated lecture notes and recordings in a learning environment. Paper
    presented at the 2016 Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE) Conference, Coffs Harbour, Australia.
  • Keane, T., Chalmers, C., Williams, M., & Boden, M. (2016, 29 September – 2 October). The impact of humanoid robots on students’ computational thinking. Paper presented at the Australian Computers in Education Conference (ACEC 2016), “If”, Brisbane Convention Centre, Brisbane, Queensland.
  • Keane, T. (2014, 30 September 30 – 3 October). iPads in a 1:1 program: the dilemma of challenge. Paper presented at the Australian Computers in Education Conference (ACEC 2014), ‘Now It’s Personal’, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia.
  • Keane, T., Branch, P., But, J., Cricenti, A., & Klimovski, D. (2013, 01-04 December). A pilot trial of social media in a technical area. Paper presented at the ‘Electric Dreams’, the 30th ASCILITE Conference (ASCILITE 2013), Sydney, Australia.
  • Cook, E., Blicblau, A. S., & Keane, T. (2013, 01-04 December). Student reflections on preference and use of llecture notes and recordings. Paper presented at the ‘Electric Dreams’, the 30th ASCILITE Conference (ASCILITE 2013), Sydney, Australia.
  • Klimovski, D., Keane, T., Branch, P., But, J., & Cricenti, A. (2013, 08-11 December 2013). Improving student engagement through a social media platform. Paper presented at the 2013 Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE) Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
  • Keane, W.F, & Keane, T. (2013, 12-14 August). Deep learning: ICT and 21st century skills. Paper presented at the Paradox and Possibility’, the 6th International Conference on Catholic Educational Leadership, Sydney, Australia.
  • Keane, T., & Pilgrim, C. (2013, July 1-7). A Study of a Secondary School Netbook Program – Strategies, Success Factors and Futures. Paper presented at the 10th IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, Torun, Poland.
  • Keane, T., Keane, W. F., & Blicblau, A. S. (2013, July 1-7). The Use of Educational Technologies to Equip Students with 21st Century Skills. Paper presented at the 10th IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, Torun, Poland.
  • Keane, T., & Blicblau, A. S. (2012, 25-28 November). (Trans) formation through educational technologies. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2012), Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Keane, T., Lang, C., & Pilgrim, C. (2012, 2-5 October). Pedagogy! iPadology! Netbookology! Learning with Mobile Devices. Paper presented at The Australian Computers in Education Conference 2012, Wesley College, South Perth, Western Australia.
  • Keane, T. (2006, 2-4 October). The role of a learning management system in the development of e-learning in schools. Paper presented at The Australian Computers in Education Conference, Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns.
  • Keane, W.F., & Keane, T. (2002, 3-6 December). Information & communication technology across the curriculum: a game of snakes and ladders. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, New Zealand.